Behind every skyline there are neighborhoods, relationships, people, and stories …
By Dave and Neta Jackson
Over 200 stories of God's faithfulness to men and women
who weathered the worst!
We've been gathering these stories for over twenty years, and they are finally available in a format that does justice to the men and women who lived them by reminding us how they trusted God and why we regularly need to hear those encouraging words: "Fear not!"
We live in difficult times! And yet . . . throughout history people of faith have endured tragic circumstances and even martyrdom with extraordinary courage and heroic faith. How? Why? What can we learn from them to face the everyday hardships in our own lives—and even greater storms yet to come?
These devotionals look back to help us move forward by meditating on . . .
A good devotional can lift your heart and help you focus on God rather than the crises and terrors thrown at us by the media ... and everyday life. This is one devotional that will help you meditate on how others remained steady and relied on God so you can do the same.
Pastors, teachers, and students will also welcome this volume as a resource for researching hundreds of Christian heroes through the ages and for charting the missionary expansion of the church throughout the world.
FEAR NOT was previously published in a different format and without some stories by Tyndale House Publishers as The Complete Book of Christian Heroes.
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ISBN: 978-0-9820544-5-1
Paperback: 378 pages
List Price: $16.99
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Whether a raging tornado of crises is bearing down on you or you're digging out of a "snowmageddon" of troubles,
this is a book for
"times like these."
© 2013, Dave & Neta Jackson